Monday, August 18, 2014

Week 33: Vanilla Ice Cream with Chocolate and Almonds

The Recipe
4 egg yolks
120g sugar
2.5dl milk
2.5dl cream
2 vanilla pods
50g almonds
1 tsp butter
1 tsp honey
50g chopped dark chocolate.

Split open the vanilla pods and separate seeds from pods - don't discard the pods!
Mix egg yolks together with sugar and vanilla seeds.

Bring milk and cream to a boil together with the vanilla pods. Remove the pods and let the milk cool down a bit.

Whip the eggs vigorously while slowly adding the milk - a little at a time.

Pour the mixture back into the pot and let it stand on very low heat until it's thick and creamy. Let it cool completely - preferably to the following day.

Meanwhile, prepare the almonds - chop them finely and roast them on a pan in melted butter and honey. Let them cool down completely.

Proceed according to the ice cream maker's instructions. After about half the time, add the almonds and the chopped chocolate.

The Verdict
So. GOOD!!! Definitely one of my favourites, and DEFINITELY one that will be made again and again and again...

It's a bit more complicated than some of the other ice creams I've made, but the end result is definitely worth it.

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